Frodo - gets slow and losing jailbreak after rebate
Hey all,

I've been using XBMC for a while now, and have been testing out Frodo on my WHS, RPi, and ATV2. Overall it's been working great, but I've been having issues from time to time with the ATV2. After leaving the ATV2 running XBMC for a while (couple of days) it will get very slow to respond and playback will fail. So then I'll reboot using the remote. However, during the reboot the ATV2 will un-jailbreak itself somehow. Makes it hard to get any logs... If I leave XBMC after using it doesn't get slow, and rebooting is fine. I'm not sure what XBMC could be doing that would cause this, but I'm open to helping figure it out as much as I can. It's happened twice now. I wasn't expecting it to happen either time so next time I'll jump in and get the logs before reboot.

Anyone have any ideas?
What version of iOS/ATV software are you on?
Are you completely sure it actually un-jailbreaks? And how do you know?
Yes, I'm sure:
no xbmc
no nito-tv
no ssh
all settings defaulted

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Frodo - gets slow and losing jailbreak after rebate0