Win Frodo RC 1/2 locks up on Exit in Windows 8
There is an almost hard lockup when I try to exit the program. It goes to a black screen when I hit exit. No mouse reponsiveness. I want to exit the program and return to the win8 desktop where I launched it from. I experienced the error launching from Metro too. CTRl+Alt Delete brings me to a semi functioning desktop where the taskbar shows on top of a black screen that hides the mouse. There I can force close the program from the taskbar.

Any ideas what is causing this? Its a new PC with decent specs,

exact. same. issue.

failure is fixed in the latest nightlys
I had this issue with my install which was Eden upgraded to Frodo RC1 then RC2.

Did a clean install of Frodo RC2, copied in my advancedsettings.xml and sources.xml and it doesn't happen anymore,
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This was a clean install of RC1 updated to RC2. If the nightlies fixed it then I guess I should try a more recent build.
* Martijn mumbles "use latest nightly"
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Frodo RC 1/2 locks up on Exit in Windows 80