G-box Question
I was looking at getting one of these and I was wondering if anyone was actually using it and can tell me if it works and how well. Or if you have any suggestions of something what works better.

see the g-box thread, plenty of info there.
(2013-01-02, 06:53)UbuntuUser Wrote: I was looking at getting one of these and I was wondering if anyone was actually using it and can tell me if it works and how well. Or if you have any suggestions of something what works better.


I got a preloaded one from xbdroidmc.com and it works ok with their xbmc build, even with 1080p content. Some add-ons are pre-installed but do not work because they were not updated for frodo yet I think. Tried Vevo on my PC with frodo and it works fine but not with android. There are a few issues but overall it works great and updated a lot. With so many new dual core on the market now though and rushing to the scene for 2013 you may want to wait til the price goes down or go for a dual core set top box these days.
Thanks for the help and comments.

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