Frodo Log File Corruption or Database Full?
I've recently upgraded to Frodo RC3 on my ATV2 running iOS 4.3. I've since had problems with new films not be recognised during the scan and I want to troubleshoot using the log. However, when I open the log it seems to stop recording information after quite a short time, this is whether debug mode is on or off.

I've just been looking again and I've seen the following error in the log: 12:27:55 T:245710848 ERROR: SQL: Insertion failed because database is full

Maybe this is normal, but a quick search doesn't bring up much info. Film art is also not updating, but maybe this is related to the same problem?

Full log posted here

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I think the whole thing might have been full, I tried to upgrade again and got a No Space Left on Device message. Another thread told me to empty:
/private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/packages. Log file is now updating and I can troubleshoot the other things.


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Frodo Log File Corruption or Database Full?0