[WIP] script.skinextras.downloader
Based on the idea of the script by phil65 used in Aeon Nox skin I started developing the idea further.
I created / I'm still creating a script that will give the possibility to download different kinds of "skin extras":
- themes
- background packs
- icons
- textures
- etc.

The idea is to make it configurable through an xml file of the following construction
  <skin skinname="skin.test.name" version="1.0.1">
      <extra installpath="extras" location="remote" name="weather-fanart" type="32009" url="http://foo.bar.com/weather-fanart.zip">
        <preinstall order="0" type="xbmc">Skin.ToggleSetting(setting)</preinstall>
        <preinstall order="1" type="filesystem" />
        <postinstall order="0" type="xbmc">Skin.ToggleSetting(setting)</postinstall>
        <postinstall order="1" type="filesystem" />

Based on the xml each skin will make different extras available for download. Downloaded extras are stored locally for later use (i.e. for reinstall).
After download the script will call the "preinstall" functions (through executebuiltin or filesystem operations) if needed and defined.
Than the downloaded zip file will be extracted into installpath (path relative to skin directory).
in the last step the script can call "postinstall" function similar to "preinstall".

Currently installed extras will be stored in a local settings xml for further use in case of skin update.
After update of the skin the script would check what was installed previously and restore that state.

I decided to post this here to get some feedback on the idea and the code.
Check it out on github: https://github.com/paradix/script.skinextras.downloader

First fully working version is now available in the git repo. Its still WiP but already functioning and testable.
- Support for xbmc built in functions in pre/post install step.
- In Filesystem operations for now only remove directory is supported.

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[WIP] script.skinextras.downloader0