Solved XBMCUbuntu (AMD) 12.0 Frodo install (login) problem

I just installed XBMCBuntu (12.0 Frodo) from USB -stick and everything went smoothly. However, when the installation is complete and the system reboots (I erased the previous version and performed a clean install), I suddenly get a login screen (with a light blue background), soon after the normal black XBMC -loading screen. When I try to log in with the username and password I created during install, it starts loading again (with the black XBMC -loading screen), but then throws me back to the login -screen. Again and again. When I intentionally give a wrong password, I get a "wrong password" -error. During install, I ticked the "login automatically" -box.

I would like to a) get my XBMC up and running and b) get rid of the login -screen in the first place (I'm using only XBMC in my HTPC, so I don't want any login screens or Linux desktops showing there).

I have an AMD Radeon GPU, so I installed "xbmcbuntu-12.00.Intel-AMD.iso".

Ps. when I created the XBMCBuntu USB -stick, Linux Live Usb Creator (Windows) told me about the .iso source (xbmcbuntu-12.00.Intel-AMD.iso) that "This Linux is not in the compatibility list". Could this be the problem?

Thanks for any help!

- Peter

AMD Radeon GPU is too vague

see comply fully and try again.

likely if you have a HD5xxx of lower need to read this

for login its use XBMC as username and lightdm should alswys boot you to xbmc presuming all issues are resolved as above or whatever.

Hi uNi!

Thanks for the quick response. It's a HD 4670, so I think I'll have to download and install the repack version as you suggested. After I've entered those commands (sudo this and that), will I have the newest version with PVR support (excluding drivers for newer Radeon cards) of XBMC?

Sorry for the lack of debug log, but I presume this is quite solved now.

- Peter
Yes you should and yes its solved

Please mark it as solved as well Wink


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XBMCUbuntu (AMD) 12.0 Frodo install (login) problem0