Problem with playing music.
I am running the current build from Git and have noticed a problem over the last week or so. Basically whenever playing music from my library xbmc will crash. Sometimes it happens as soon as right after the first song and sometimes it'll play for as long as an hour before freezing. To make sure that the problem was in fact something to do with aeon nox and not my music I did two control tests. I reinstalled the official version of the skin and it played just fine for the entire day. Then last night I repeated the same test using confluence and again the music played without a problem for the entire night. I did a quick search of the thread and couldn't find any posts mentioning this so I'm wondering is this a known issue? Thanks in advance for any help.
Throw a debug log (wiki) up on that shows XBMC crashing after playing music and post the assigned URL here. This will help the skin developers and others here identify the nature and source of the problem.
Hey thanks for the suggestion...ill do that when I get home from work tonight.

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Problem with playing music.0