XBMCbuntu 12.10 and Frodo, can't suspend/resume?
I was previously running XBMCbuntu 11.x on this same equipment and had most things running fine. I was able to suspend/resume via the remote after some tweaking. However, after going to the latest XBMCbuntu no matter what I try (I have searched all over) nothing seems to work.

When I press the suspend button it appears as though XBMC sort of restarts as it instantly starts re-scanning the library. I am able to shutdown and restart via the menus, however suspend never seems to do what it should.

I am running a Zotac ID80. Has anyone else run into this?

(2013-03-30, 07:31)ninian Wrote: When I press the suspend button it appears as though XBMC sort of restarts as it instantly starts re-scanning the library. I am able to shutdown and restart via the menus, however suspend never seems to do what it should.

Just to be clear, are you saying selecting Suspend from the XBMC Shutdown menu doesn't work correctly either? Or is it just Suspend via your remote control button that is misbehaving?
Selecting suspend from the menu does the same thing,it just appears to re-scan the library.
Any ideas?
Disable menu sounds and retry.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2013-04-01, 22:28)fritsch Wrote: Disable menu sounds and retry.

Doesnt seem to matter. Here is a small snip of the relevant lines of debug log (didnt think it was necessary to pastebin as its only a few lines). If preferred I can pastebin entire thing.

21:29:52 T:3007997760 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 9696138:0000000000010082 00 KEY_SLEEP zotac.conf (KEY_SLEEP)
21:29:52 T:3007997760 DEBUG: OnKey: 196 (c4) pressed, action is XBMC.ShutDown()
21:29:52 T:3007997760 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnSleep from xbmc
21:29:52 T:3007997760 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnSleep
21:29:52 T:3007997760 NOTICE: OnSleep: Running sleep jobs
21:29:52 T:3007997760 NOTICE: OnSleep: Stopping lirc
21:29:52 T:3007997760 INFO: LIRC setUsed: disabled
21:29:52 T:3007997760 DEBUG: CSoftAE::Suspend - Suspending AE processing
21:29:52 T:3007997760 DEBUG: CSoftAE::Suspend - After Event
21:29:53 T:3007997760 DEBUG: UPower: Recieved an unknown signal NotifySleep
21:29:54 T:3007997760 NOTICE: OnWake: Running resume jobs
21:29:54 T:3007997760 ERROR: GLX: Same window as before, refreshing context
Yes, complete logfile. Also do: dmesg | pastebinit after resume.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Here is the debug log attempting a suspend http://pastebin.com/zDgDKCRn

here is the dmesg output http://paste.ubuntu.com/5675213/

Thanks for any help, this is the only thing stopping this from being a perfect setup!
The dmesg does not seem from after suspend.
Also the xbmc.log is somewhat messy.

please use the pastebinit utility to gather the logfiles.

1) enable debug logging
2) suspend the machine
3) resume the machine
4) dmesg | pastebinit and cat ~/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log | pastebinit
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
The problem is the machine doesnt go into resume as it never goes into suspend. When I press the button to suspend XBMC just rescans my libraries thinking it is booting up again. When I get home tonight I will do what you requested.
Here is the debug log. I started XBMC from scratch, tried to suspend and XBMC just didnt do anything other than scanning library thinking it was being woken up. I then also pressed the resume button on my remote. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5678347/

Here is the output of dmesg. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5678346/

Hopefully this allows us to see something! Thanks agian.
Also, I am able to shutdown via XBMC but not suspend / hibernate. I need to be able to suspend in order to resume with the remote. I think I have ready most guides but cant seem to find the right config.
how did you install xbmcbuntu?
did yo perhaps install it on system A and then running the image on system B?

try this:

aptitude reinstall dbus
aptitude install policykit-1 upower acpi-support

nano /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/custom-actions.pkla

and put this in if your user is xbmc:

[Actions for xbmc user]

check power options with pkaction

oh and try removing this tool if resume from suspend does not work:
I just installed from an .ISO image and then copied my databases over. I will give what you mentioned a try tonight, thanks.
Please change all three resultxxx to yes. Sorry copied wrong text.

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XBMCbuntu 12.10 and Frodo, can't suspend/resume?0