Wiki Help Search
In my search for this subject I did find some several year old messages and maybe everyone knows XBMC so well now that they don't really need the Wiki.

My problem with the Wiki is searching for keyword(s) is impossible because the Wiki is in multiple pages. The only workable solution I have found is to depend on Google to point me to pages that have my keyword. Of course Google finds many pages that have nothing to do with the Wiki.

It would be nice if everything in the Wiki was indexed and a real search function was available. My latest foray with the Wiki was to find out about 'flatten TV shows'. The Wiki and its 'sub-menu' was no help unless of you already know where to go. It's pretty useless without the aid of Google.
There's an integrated "Google Search" in the left side bar in the wiki (maybe it's collapsed by default) which triggers a google search with your keywords but only for results from the XBMC wiki.
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Do not e-mail Team Kodi members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules (wiki).
Please read the pages on troubleshooting (wiki) and bug reporting (wiki) before reporting issues.
Thanks. That does help a lot.

Maybe the home page should mention this feature and if it does already, it should be more prominent.

Thank you again.
The search box is on every single page, and a new wiki skin is in the works that will put the search bar back on the top of the page.

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