Win ERROR: Unable to create GUI
I installed XBMC 12.2 on ...

Windows 7 Professional 32-bit.
Processor is an AMD Athlon 64 3400+.
Video card is a Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead with correct drivers installed.

I also have LogMeIn installed so I can access the pc remotely and there is a LogMeIn Mirror Driver under Display Adapters along with the Matrox Millennium driver.

Under Monitors, there's a Dell 1909W(Analog) and a Generic Non-Pnp Monitor.

I'm not using Remote Desktop. Unable to start XBMC due to the error. Looking for suggestions. Thanks!
I had to update my graphics drivers. Fixed it.
My guess is the card is too old. Nothing can be done about that.
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Any way to config it to run as a media server without the gui? That's all I need.

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ERROR: Unable to create GUI0