Linux Mythbuntu MySQL error
I installed Mythbuntu 12.04 to my computer and got it running... It records fine. I had already a XBMC on RaspberryPI. I enabled the Myth plugin, no connect. Then I tried MythTV from livecd, it gets all the db information correct, but can't connect to db. Now finally I added XBMC to same computer as the MythTV and enabled plugin but no no no #¤#%% connection. I also tried to login to MySQL in terminal with mythtv-user and pw, and it connected and I can list tables. In my setup I have tried to put the address to everywhere, also in MythTV setup to get connected outside of this one computer.

I just dont understand. I can connect from terminal, but not from XBMC in the same computer, whyyy? Ideas?
There are two elements to getting mythtv working over your LAN.

1. mysql must be listening on the lan address. Try on the mythbuntu machine
sudo netstat -tanp|grep 3306
This will tell you what IP addresses mysql (port 3306) is listening on.

2. mythbackend is listening on the lan address. In mythtv-setup choose the first option (general) and see what IP addresses are listed.

Once we have that investigated we can move to sorting the problem.
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(2013-05-31, 11:32)nickr Wrote: 1. mysql must be listening on the lan address. Try on the mythbuntu machine
sudo netstat -tanp|grep 3306
This will tell you what IP addresses mysql (port 3306) is listening on.
I just dont understand about this...
(2013-05-31, 11:32)nickr Wrote: 2. mythbackend is listening on the lan address. In mythtv-setup choose the first option (general) and see what IP addresses are listed.
IPv6: empty
Listen on Link_Local: checked
Port: 6543 Status port: 6544
Secpic: 0000
Masterbackend IP: port:6543

I'm still sweatting and crying here...
Does this mean that localhost and others+192.168.1.% have different password for the mythtv user?
It doesn't help much because I cant still connect from same computer XBMC using

mysql -h -u mythtv -p
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'MythBox.local' (using password: YES)
I took a other hd and made an clean install of Myhtbuntu. And it worked ok. I took a photo of user & host info from mysql table. Then I booted my first system again. And there was extra host with user mythtv:
192.168.1.% | mythtv
I removed this and now it seems to work ok. =)

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Mythbuntu MySQL error0