Win XBMC will not mark a TV show as watched even though it's empty!
For some reason I have one TV show that continues to show up under "unwatched" shows even though when I click on it there is nothing in show's folder to be watched. I have tried to mark the entire show as unwatched then mark it as watched again and still it shows up. I have also tried to CLEAN the entire library and that did not solve it either! Any ideas?

Just noticed when I check out the show info it says "unwatched -1"... Weird!
You might try deleting the show completely. If you do that make sure to make a backup of the show so you can copy it back and update the library again.
I guess it had something to do with a different show title. It did show "Spartacus, Blood and Sand" and now it just shows "Spartacus". Everything is fine now. Things are staying marked as watched. I did the following to resolve the issue.

---- REMOVE BAD SHOW TITLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For safety I backed up the show folder by copying it to my desktop. (This really was not needed but gave me peace of mind) Wink
- On the main screen I selected "TV Shows"
- I hovered over the bad show (one giving me issues) and hit "c" on the keyboard.
- Selected "Remove from library"

---- SCAN FOR NEW CONTENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Under "Videos" on the main screen I went to the submenu of "Files"
- I then hovered of my folder called "tv" and hit the "c" key on my keyboard.
- Then went to "Scan for new content" and let it sit for a while.
- Everything seems to be fine!

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XBMC will not mark a TV show as watched even though it's empty!0