Only part of XBMC showing up sometimes
I have a Windows HTPC running XBMC hooked up to an HDMI switcher, which is in turn connected to a projector. I've noticed that sometimes, when I switch between inputs and then back to the HTPC (or even just turn the projector off and then back on), only the top-left quadrant of XBMC is shown on top of the desktop. It's still running full-screen at the correct resolution, but three-fourths of the program are just not visible. So I have to restart XBMC every time I switch to it.

I believe the problem is that the resolution is changing temporarily at some point in that process, and XBMC isn't registering the change back. Is there a way to fix this, or is it the kind of thing I'm just going to have to live with?

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Only part of XBMC showing up sometimes0