Linux Pivos DS performance vs ATV2
I am running 12.2 on linux pivos DS, but I am disappointed by the performance
if compare it to my atv2 performance.

- Live tv lags first 5 seconds, zero on atv2 (mpeg2 sd stream).
- Scanning for movies takes waaaaay long (universal movie scraper)

What draws attention is the fact that cpu usage on the pivos is almost always 100%...
and framerate rendering between 20-30 (this is 50 fps + on atv2!! )

I remember the time that atv2 also want so fast, and the change to render only changed pixels changed a lot. I forgot the name of the
tweak, it entails that everything on the screen that doesnt change doesnt get rendered.....

I wonder if the same tricks on the atv2 are used on linux pivos ds. Or should I simply expect less performance?
Dirty regions (wiki)? It doesn't play so well on the Pivos.

The biggest thing to do for the Pivos is to get a fast mSD card and put a folder on it called "xbmc-data". That will move your userdata folder to the card, and the SD card is much faster than the internal flash memory inside the Pivos.

Might also try one of the unofficial nightly builds:

M1 -
M3 -

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Pivos DS performance vs ATV20