Script error and unable to play in amazon,espn and others

First time posting and been reading all morning on the forum to learn all I can. I'm sure I will pick up many tricks from users on this site. I usually post on AVS forum but they are unable to help on this issue so I figured someone on this site could help me figure this one out.

I came from using Media Browser and loved the eye candy of XMBC and the long list of great add ons so I made the switch this weekend on the htpc I built for my theater room. I don't know if you need to know what my system consist of to answer the question

I wanted to put ESPN, Amazon Video, YouTube, Free Cable, Sports Devil and others. Now I installed those add ons from the bluecop 1.0.1. YouTube works great and I can even open amazon free cable but when I try to playback a file, it tells me one of two things. Either script failed ! Or it will say playback failed see log for details. I was told on AVS to make sure they are updated but I never saw that option. I love everything about XMBC and even have the ipad app which is very slick. I am just really wanting to use these great plug ins and enjoy them without issues.

If someone could solve this riddle for me it would be greatly appreciated !

Welcome to the XBMC forums.

The add-ons in Bluecop's repository haven't been updated in a long time and, with various and multiple changes by the content providers over time, many of these add-ons are now partially or completely broken. However, others have provided patches, workarounds or replacements that have restored much of the functionally of these add-ons. Look in the threads devoted to each of these add-ons in the Video Add-ons subforum for information on possible fixes.

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Script error and unable to play in amazon,espn and others0