cant run Android XBMC on acer A200 tablet ICS 4.0.3
Ok tried to install the android software on to my Acer A200 tablet running ICS 4.0.3 and once installed says its not compatible with my device.

Was doing this to sort out my other issue on my galaxy S4

any way around this?

I don't even know if anyone is still building non-neon builds of XBMC, but that is what you would need. Tegra 2 isn't a neon-processor, so there's no official support for it (much harder to support builds for both neon and non-neon, and non-neon processors are typically too slow for XBMC anyways).
Well that scraps that idea lol

I'm using this build on my transformer 1. I'm only using it for music though and haven't tried any video on it.
I expect I'll get another telling off but the only build I can run on my OSG Tab 2 non-neon is from here

It was for me any way.

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cant run Android XBMC on acer A200 tablet ICS 4.0.30