Linux Help needed: dbus for xbmc on Boxee Box

I'm doing some work on XBMC for Boxee Box and is now trying to add dbus support but is out of my knowledge zone. So far I have got dbus to cross compile for the i686 architecture and xbmc does recognize it when building and thus enable dbus in the code. But when trying to run it on the Boxee Box I get these errors:
18:03:03 T:3046815424   DEBUG: ConsoleUPowerSyscall: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.BadAddress - '=' character not found or has no value following it
18:03:03 T:3046815424   DEBUG: UPowerSyscall: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.BadAddress - '=' character not found or has no value following it
18:03:04 T:3046815424   DEBUG: UDisks: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.BadAddress - '=' character not found or has no value following it
18:03:04 T:3046815424   DEBUG: DeviceKit.Disks: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.BadAddress - '=' character not found or has no value following it
When I run dbus-launch on the BB I get this output:
And this is my cmake config for dbus:
        URL_MD5           1c22aebdf952e92908800f1ec2aeb0c4
        BUILD_COMMAND     make
        INSTALL_COMMAND   make install
                COMMAND   ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different dbus-1.pc ${TARGET_DIR}/lib/pkgconfig
        BUILD_IN_SOURCE   1
        DEPENDS           dbus_expat
I did try to build with ./configure instead of cmake but could not get it to find the dependecies even if the correct lib path was added, and thus I can't use the ac_cv_have_abstract_sockets=yes flag. Any help would be appreciated on solving this one!
look in tools/depends/target/dbus in the xbmc src, this is how we do it
Got it to work with ./configure instead of cmake. But I have problems with ConsoleKit, UPower and DeviceKit since these don't seem to be installed on the BB. Does someone know of a way to install them as portal versions and just add that to the xbmc folder? I realize that this might not be a xbmc specific question, so if it is not appropriate I will remove it.


Another question: If I can't get any of those three to work somehow, does dbus support do anything for xbmc? A quick look in the code and I would have to say that it don't?
(2013-09-25, 17:27)FaQuid Wrote: Another question: If I can't get any of those three to work somehow, does dbus support do anything for xbmc? A quick look in the code and I would have to say that it don't? ?

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Help needed: dbus for xbmc on Boxee Box0