Rpi internet streaming freezing, video stopping... stability
For everyone running freeze-free Rpi's are you running local network asset streaming? My use is 100% internet streaming (via FTP and/or Icefilms) and I have a strong suspicion the instability I'm seeing revolves around that.

I've tweaked buffer, offloaded to SD, and USB in an attempt to stabilize but have had very little success. I'm finding internet connection speed plays a big part which makes no sense since im running a 8GB + buffer size. I'm not concerned if it takes hours to buffer, as long as it plays. But I would say one in every 3 movies the Rpi will freeze on play OR randomly stop 1/2 way(ish) through the movie. Im learning source codec of the video also plays a part.

I'm wondering if anyone has tips i could try to stabilize my Rpi's

5v 2000ma power supply
class 10 SD
usb 3 key (for the USB offload attempts)
only over clocking to 900

Been following the other thread, only time pressures stopped me adding my 2c, but now its the weekend so here goesBig Grin

Yes, I have seen the same as you, and to be politically correct it happened to me on the Youtube plugin. It was almost definitely related to the quality of my broadband connection, which is somewhat flaky. Frequency of occurrence seemed to be directly related to days with more CRC errors & dropouts on my ADSL router. Also related to a full buffer (maybe corrupt packets on full buffer?). However never got to pull a logfile as it usually happened when the kids were watching & screaming for restart. Also seemed to happen less often when dubug was enabled, though that might have been me being impatient waiting for a chance to investigate Tongue
I had one of the earlier Pis with the dodgy polyfuses, it was shorting out F1 (the main inlet fuse) a few months ago (and not the USB fuses) that seemed to fix it.
So for me problem solved, though I would not necessarily recommend it unless you have a power supply with good overcurrent protection. Having said that, I still get the odd stutter, where sound stops, & video runs on for a few seconds (this used to be the point the Pi would freeze/crash - still gets an "uh-oh" from my eldest when it happens), but now sound starts up again after a second or two & the Pi plays normally once the sound catches up.

And, oh yes CPU Overclock of 900, no GPU overclock (my Pi would not tolerate it).

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Rpi internet streaming freezing, video stopping... stability0