ATV2 crashing on startup
I've been having some problems with my atv the last week or so..
When I boot the atv it does something weird. I made a small clip for you to see

Sometimes if I manage to get it to stop doing that, with either unplugging the power or reset with the play and menu button for 10 sec. And start xbmc if will show an error saying something about failed to start commoncatch, check log.

I don't know how to check the log, so if anyone can explain where I find it, I will post I right away (:

ATM I can't start the tv so so can't tell which iOS build the atv is on or which xbmc version.. But I'm trying to get it as fast as possible..

Okay finally..
iOS version 5.0.1
Atv version 4.4.4

Xbmc can't start it, but last updated shorty after Frodo was released..
Maybe I've solved the problem.
Found out my storage was completely full when i wanted to update XBMC
Apple-TV:~ root# apt-get install org.xbmc.xbmc-atv2
Reading package lists... Error!
E: Write error - write (28: No space left on device)
E: Can't mmap an empty file
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

So I tried deleting all files in

And then uninstall Plex which I read could lead to XBMC crash.
And then updated XBMC to latest 12.2

Fingers crossed it solves the problem..

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