Req Play videos and music directly in the webinterface
XBMC is great in organising your videos and music, even from the webinterface. Upnp is not on option, because even in Frodo the server causes freezes on exit and the availability of good hardware accelerated upnp player is low.

Due to the fact that we use XBMC in same time, everyone of us is accessing the data differently. While someone is watching a movie directly on TV which is connected to host, others are opening the videos over Samba share. To do so, you just have to open the link provided on the information page (the partition letter in the URL has to be replaced with server and share name...I know...but it works).

It would be great, if we do not need to manage the URL to the media content. We would like to locally play the media which is stored on the host.

I think the problem can be solved in different ways:
  • We are able to watch these movies directly in the browser. Like on youtube or any other flash based player. Just that the player needs to open mkv, avi and so on.
  • There is a button in the webinterface to open the movie with a local player. This would require that the movie is mapped on network (e.g. samba).
One day something like this could be an XBMC web interface add-on:

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Play videos and music directly in the webinterface0