Zotac Zbox ID92 vs Intel NUC i5
I want to buy a more powerful general purpose box than my raspberry that is capable of running XBMC without a hitch and I'm torn between those two choices.

The problem is that I don't care that much about size (the difference between tiny and small is no brainer for me) and the price difference between the two is somewhat negated by the integrated wlan of the ID92, extra cpu power and dual lan.
Considering the i5 4570T can be almost twice as powerful as the i5 4250U and I’m intending to do somewhat heavier lifting with it, I would go for the zbox.

However what stops me from going for the ID92 (other than I can’t find one for the life of me) is the amount of love you guys are giving the NUC.

Is the HD4600 from the ID92 in a disadvantage to the HD5000 of the NUC when coming to XBMC with 23.976 fps and so on?
Or has most of the bugs been ironed out by the Ivy/Sandy bridge NUCs?
i am using Zotac Zbox ID82. I have no problems with playing 3D Bluerays, Bluerays, x264. FPS sticks around 20-50 fps Aeon MQ5
Using OpenELEC, a more fledged distro or just Windows?

I expect software decoding is not going to be an issue (with 2,6 ghz of base clock, it is going to be snappy with everything I throw at it) but I hope having hardware decoding and all of the features (such as the IR receiver) available through linux.
OpenElec can't play the BR (Blu-Ray) 3D format, that can only be done under Windows and by an external software player (TMT5/6 and so on).
Kodi 19.1 Android/Google(TV) [ Shield TV Pro [64b] / Mi Box S [32b] / Mi Projector / Fire 4k TV stick / CC with Google TV ]
Kodi 19 [3D MVC build] Shuttle DH270 [Kaby Lake i3-7300/HD630 graphics - W10-1903]

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Zotac Zbox ID92 vs Intel NUC i50