Reading pdf and text files in xbmc
I have seen some older threads on the above topic, but I wonder, as we enter 2014, if there is an add-on or some easy way to read pdf and text files in xbmc.

I have about 1000 "song sheets" for guitar, that can easily be converted to PDF, HTML or TXT format. (I use OnSong to mange them and export the library to my home network so I can view them wherever I like) . As I have XBMC up and running for video, music, photos, etc, this seems like a natural, especially when I am in the "guitar" room.

Some workarounds I am trying :
1) I can convert them to JPG and make a photo album for them << will try next
2) I can try the tips here : << shows me the files but flashes the contents too fast.
3) Launch windows explorer to open at a specified location.. or simply launch a desktop shortcut?

Just found this - might be the winner Smile : Application Launcher :

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Reading pdf and text files in xbmc0