Win Library not updating

Are the scrapers all working OK?

For the last few days I have noticed my library is not being updated.

My internet is fine as i see my rss feeds come through in xbmc and can browse the internet.

I was on the last snapshot but now tried the latest nightly 27 Dec to see if that would help but its the same.

When XBMC first loads up it scans straight away for an update to the library but it is not doing anything.
When I goto the files itself normally i can press i on the keyboard to make it scan the folder or file manually but i is now only working in the video osd to bring up info but not the sub menu i need.

I have been running XBMC error free for about 3 years so its very strange all of a sudden its not working.
Has happened to me as well. What I've noticed is that, when you go into file mode, the directories are no longer associated with a content type. This past week I twice had to reset the content type to movies/tv shows for my folders and let XBMC rescan the files into the library. Everything works fine after that.

Also, I too am on daily builds, so this may be associated with that. Make sure your folders are set to the right content type so that they will be scraped appropriately.
thanks hek! case closed
Yup, content type keeps resetting on the newest nightlies whenever you restart. Going to have to revert back for now.
Any updates on this? It's hard to test the nightly builds when your library never updates.
I'm still having this problem on the 1/7 nightly build. It's not automatically updating my library. Switch back to 13 alpha 9 and it updates fine.

I went back to 12/15 build and update works. I'll try to narrow it down to which nightly it stopped working. If anyone else has looked feel free to post.

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