XBMC frodo 12.2 booting problems with new Graphics Card.
I have just bought a Graphics Card for my pc and xbmcbuntu is doing some sort of boot loop thing. At the screen where it shows the logo XBMC and Frodo 12.2 underneath it will show that logo for about 15 seconds then the screen will go black and then 5 seconds later the logo appears again and it does that over and over and never boots xbmc.
The graphics card is an ASUS HD 5450 SILENT. Below is a link to the one I bought.


Windows vista and windows 7 boots just fine using this graphics card but xbmcbuntu wont.

Is there something I can do to make it work?

Thank you.

EDIT----- It boots in xbmcbuntu. Just wont boot to xbmc.
Do I need to somehow point xbmc to the graphics card or something?
I just followed that turorial exactely. It almost worked. It booted xbmc to the point where I can see the confluence background image, but nothing else appeared and the mouse curser at the top left was frozen so i had to use the power button to turn it off and reboot.

It almost worked.
debug log


I wasn't sure which one i need to upload so i did both recent crashlogs
Is it worth just installing xbmcbuntu intel-amd.iso?

I think as i didnt have a graphics card when i first installed xbmcbuntu i did the xbmcbuntu intel-nvidia.iso
That last one is not a debug log. You'll need to enable debugging, if you can't start XBMC you'll have to manually edit guisettings.xml (it's in ~/.xbmc somewhere) and enable it.

In any case, if people would do even five minutes of research (hint: always buy Nvidia) they wouldn't have to waste time on stuff such as this.
I can use xbmc using vga cable, though i have to unplug my graphics card for it to work.

was the first log file the one needed?
you didn't follow the howto, not even half way...
Do it _literally_ from the start to the end.
ubuntu quantal will not work!
Unable to locate this package when i do the following....sudo apt-get install libg3dvl-mesa vdpauinfo linux-firmware

unable to locate package libg3dvl-mesa
Follow the howto. If this is a problem, use OpenELEC.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
What I don't get is, if I put the xbmcbuntu installation disc in I made to install xbmcbuntu, and click on try xbmc without installing, it works!!!! xbmc boots and everything works as I hope it to.

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XBMC frodo 12.2 booting problems with new Graphics Card.0