[Apple TV 2] 2 questions - regarding ios version upgrade and Memory
Hey there, I am currently running version 5.0.1 on my ATV2 and am looking to upgrade. I am wondering if the upgrade to ios 7 is worth it or if I should stick with 5.3? I am not seeing much in the way of visible functionality (like the addition of additional channels in the ATV interface itself) to make it worth it. Just wondering if there's under the hood improvements that are worthy of the upgrade. My main drive to go to 5.3 is to enable the bluetooth which I know I can do manually on my current version but also see that HBO Go/ESPN etc is also added so I figured I'd go up a step. But if there's something special about the newer stuff then I'll go further. Seems like 5.3 is pretty stable though and don't want to get into guinea pig territory if there's kinks to be worked out on newer versions. I used to have the kind of time to keep on the bleeding edge of all this stuff, but more and more lately, I have been getting to the point where I can't spend the kind of time I want to to look into all the latest and greatest stuff out there, and to tackle potential issues when they crop up.

Second quesiton has to do with the amount of space available on my device - looks like the big hog is thumbnails, currently my folder has ballooned to almost 6GB, leaving me about 10% space left over. Wondering if I should implement the mysql server to serve up the thumbnails on a central box ala this thread http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=108388. Worth the hassle? Will I see performance improvements due to the extra space available?
I'm honestly not sure on the specific iOS versions after 5-ish. However, as long as you save your SHSH blobs then you can always downgrade.

As for the thumbnails, you can use path subs (wiki) without a full MySQL setup in order to save space for the ATV2.

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[Apple TV 2] 2 questions - regarding ios version upgrade and Memory0