Android Ouya - sound 5.1 with Gotham
Hi all,

I use Ouya since last June and with SMC from Koying I can get the sound on all my speakers (with an Onkyo amplifier, the setting being ouya-hdmi-Onkyo-speakers and TV)). However, I cannot read my BR rips. So, I tried Gotham. It's better (faster) and I can read my BR rips Smile Unfortunately, I couldn't find settings where all my speakers were used.

Anyone, found a way to do so?

Are you using the Confluence skin? if so bottom left you should see Setting Level when in the Audio settings which by default is Standard, to make sure you see all options change this to Expert.
I used the Aeon Nox 5, I put advanced for the settings and I could not change the first line (the one saying android etc...), on a PC this line allows to choose the different audio output you want to use.
I'll try again with the confluence skin.
As far as I know, it's not possible with Gotham right now on Ouya. As of the last nightly build that I tried, which I believe was on Feb 16, the only thing that was possible is 2 channel PCM.

Koying made mention of doing a SPMC build with the next Gotham alpha build here:

But I don't think he has said anything else about it since that post.
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Do you guys have tried Beyond Xbmc?
that is the best one on Ouya
Yep, even with expert settings I could not see anything which would give me the correct sound.
Yeah, like I said it's not support in Gotham.

Koying also mention adding a dummy devices here:

But again, that's the last I've heard about it.
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Ouya - sound 5.1 with Gotham0