Questions about a xbmc setup and its possibilities

I'm thinking about making a xbmc setup for my television, using the Raspberry Pi.
Now I do wonder:
1) Is there a limit to TV-size? I'm wondering because I'd like to watch movies and shows without stuttering.
2) If I connect a HDD to my setup via usb, is it then possible to copy files from my computer to the HDD (via ethernet cable, filezilla perhaps)? (so without having to disconnect it and plug it into my computer)
3) Can you watch online streams in xbmc? Formula 1 is no longer being broadcasted in Flanders, So I watch internet streams.
4) I'm seeing info on OpenELEC, Raspbmc, Xbian, Raspbian; Which one to choose?

Thanks in advance !
1) no, as far as actual size of TV goes, but there are resolution limits as to what the RaspBerry Pi can deliver (1080p is achievable), so newer formats may limit what you can use.
2) yes - quite possible to copy files as you quote, but you can also watch PC files if your network is fast enough
3)some, but not all - a lot depends on formats used by the streams, and whether there are addons to get the particular streams which interest you (and network speeds)
4) try them and see - some have features which others don't and vice-versa, and there are proponents for each of them
Thanks for your answer.
Should I get heatsinks?
I haven't - but it depends what you intend to do.
If worried, try monitoring the temp to see if it gets too high
(2014-03-03, 16:49)adder_be Wrote: Thanks for your answer.
Should I get heatsinks?

There is no need.
I've had a Pi on 24/7 at highest (forced) overclock in a PiBow case for more than a year without a heatsink and without any issues.

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Questions about a xbmc setup and its possibilities0