Best android running xbmc for rockchip
Beyond xbmc ? Why ?
Normal XBMC v13 Beta1
(2014-03-06, 23:40)Ned Scott Wrote: Normal XBMC v13 Beta1

Hey Ned,

Have you tested a Rockchip device with Gotham Beta1 ?

I am using a MK888B/T-R42 Quad with RK3188. I have tried every combo of acceleration ( LSF on , MC on / LSF off, MC on / LSF on / MC off .. also turned both off. Still having zero luck getting any 1080 files to stream fluidly. The same files stream fine on my amlogic devices.

Would love to hear some feedback from people using Rockchip devices and what XBMC builds they are using to get 1080 to stream without stutter.
At the moment my RK3188-based stick isn't working because I messed up a firmware update, and I haven't gotten around to reflashing it yet (I have to dual boot a family member's computer to get the flashing tool to work), but I was using semi-recent Gotham alpha builds not too long ago, and they were running great. There is a bug in some older firmware for Rockchips devices that causes an issue with the hardware video decoder for 1080 videos, so that might be the issue you are having.

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