Bug scrapping
I have a tv show that just can't be scrapped and I don't know why...

It's an '80 tv show on medieval french royalty named 'Les Rois Maudits' (the Accursed Kings)about the curse thrown by the head of knights templar at Philippe IV Le Bel (13th century) when he seized the knight's treasure and possessions to replenish the royal treasure using false allegations of sorcery, sodomy and other nice things. It's a one season 5 episodes and the show (2005) had a first creation under the same name in 1972.

So, I have my share set as source, folders set as TVSHOWNAME -> SEASON 1 -> S01E01, etc...then I scrap then the tvdb just doesn't do anything. Sometimes it gives a 'god's quizz' episode with a black thumb and no episode but mainly I end up nowhere. Setting a TVSHOWNAME -> S01E01, etc... gives me the same (non) result. There is nothing wrong with file naming, no emphasized letters, no esoteric symbol, no extended character...

The issue shows for both shows. I've considered tvdb downtime, whenever the time the result is the same. I've tried the nfo solution, creating minimum nfo files with the name, tvdb id with no luck. Any ideas ?

PS: I really recommend for those who don't know this tv show to give it a try. youtube has it.
If you can't fix it, then t might be and issue on tvdb, if they can't help you out a manual edit might be needed.

I finally found the reason... This !§&#% website is using french titles for the search results (even with a regular one) for the show but forces you to use the english name (the accursed kings) for scrapping. How more stupid approach could it be ?

Thanks anyway for your help !

PS: I thought I found it but in fact I found only half of it... renaming the first edition with the english name allowed me to scrap but unfortunately the second installment don't want to know anything : whatever the name, whatever the folder structure, whatever everything, when I scrap there's a slight tvdb connection, I can see the name of the show in the upper part of xbmc, then all is good and when I return to my tv shows there is only one installment. What a smelly putrid pile of crap !

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