Win XBMC 13.0 Video stops - Audio continues
I have not had XBMC installed on my new PC for very long.

Occasionally while playing a file, the Video acts like it is in Pause while the Audio continues.

Click Pause on the remote and the Audio pauses, too. Click Play, and the Audio resumes but the Video is still frozen.

Close XBMC to restart it. For a few seconds, the XBMC logo will appear in the Win7 taskbar, but then it goes away.

It seems the only solution to this is a Windows Restart (that fixes everything, right?).

Has anyone else encountered anything like this?

If the error logs are needed, let me know. I would have to do a search to find out how to get to them, and I am not sitting in front of the Media PC at the moment.
It may be induced by problems in GPU HW acceleration compatibility. Whether this is a cause can be known by knowing the GPU model.
So.... you are asking what kind of PC I have?

Intel NUC
I've asked because I was getting same errors. (Video stops at beginning, audio continues). But I have different GPU, then, in you case most probably it is another cause. May be somebody who know that better will help.
anyone find a solution. I am experiencing the same exact issue. I am running XBMCUbuntu. I have a Haswell based PC and am using the on board video thru HDMI. I tried update and upgrade on the kernel.
What I have found:

Under the System > Settings:

Video Output and Audio Output, select different video and audio sources and different video and audio settings until you find something that is working.

I wished there were a way to look at the drop down list of available sources and know what my system should be using, though.

Here is a screenshot from my work PC (not my media PC):


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XBMC 13.0 Video stops - Audio continues0