Linux HDMI Passthrough does not work with DD+ video file

While set-upping my home theater system I try to play movie with audio DD+(Dolby Digital Plus) with HDMI Passthrough enabled, but the audio my Onkyo AV Receiver TX-NR717 receives is already decoded.

I have installed Ubuntu 14.04 for test purposes.

I am attaching log from xbmc

Am I missing something?
read PulseAudio (wiki) if you really need pulse.
You are running a version 12.3 which was not done by us. It does not have pulseaudio support at all.

Upgrade to our team-xbmc ppa. Use the unstable one which has 13.1b2
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Unstable release and ALSA instead of pulseaudio done the trick. Thanks!
If you want to keep PA, just read the wiki wsnipex gave you. DTS, EAC3 and AC3 is possible PA, too.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
There is no need for it. I am only interested in running xbmc on Linux.

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HDMI Passthrough does not work with DD+ video file1