PulseEight Forums Closing
If anyone has either (a) not noticed, or (b) reason to be aware, I just spotted that the PulseEight forums are shutting down as of next week. Looks like their business has contracted/refocussed such that it's too much of an overhead for them:


The suggestion is that it's mostly because of the cessation of their TVonics product line, although it obviously has implications for anyone using libcec or their CEC adapter. Hopefully not terminal, anyway - either for the company or the guys that work there (some of whom are known in these parts).

Support queries can still be sent to [email protected].

Mods: I wonder if this forum would be a suitable alternative home for CEC-related stuff, at least as it pertains to XBMC? There must be a significant overlap in user population. The post says that they'll be launching a new website soon, so perhaps the CEC stuff will carry over to that... but if it doesn't...

Anyone from PulseEight in a position to comment further?

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