Consistency issues in XBMC GUI

first of all, thanks reports like these are really appreciated.

this is collective decisions made by team as whole.

#1 agreed and fixed.

#2 we'll fix the radio button, but we won't make party mode accessible from file view since it requires a library to work in the first place. and we won't switch to a radio button (see #6)

#3 disagree. only reason we use short descriptions to the right is the button size. you wouldn't want the context menu item to say r.slideshow, rite....

#4 agreed and fixed.

#5 agreed and fixed.

#6 it is now a part of the switch view button.

oh, by 'fixed' i mean we have assign a dev.


thanks spiff,

i ordered the post a little, so other people can post there own shots.


3, 4, 5 and 6 should be in cvs shortly.

note that #6 isn't quite what spiff wrote:

we are making the "playlists" location a bookmark (it'll be there by default in xboxmediacenter.xml, and is also added to the file browser dialog when browsing from music or videos for add source.)

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thanks again Smile

#7: agree. will remove from context menu. we are going to make the b button go from the now playing window to the music window i think as well to make things a little more obvious to get back.

#8: agree. will make a note to rename the option. we are planning on doing a strings.xml cleanup prior to the 2.0 release candidate, so it'll actually be done then.

as for the my music "delete album info" stuff - that's what the clean music library does. perhaps that should be in the context menu in my music library view?

note that album info from has very little to do with the library view - we only take the thumbnail from it if one doesn't already exist - all other info is from tags only.

edit: both the above are done. #7 is in cvs. #8 is on the strings to change list.


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i agree on #8 . it would be nice also in the music section to remove a album from the database manually.
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but the music section is based purely on the files that are on the disk. i'm not sure what "remove album" will accomplish, as we actually have to:

1. check which song files exist and remove those that don't.
2. remove orphaned artists, genres, albums etc.

this is what cleanup music library does - perhaps you guys could explain more of what you are after and why you are after it?

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i do a album lookup for adding thumbs to the database. but sometimes the lookup founds a wrong album. and its not possible to remove a single album.

so i cant remove the album cover from database or i have to remove the whole database and thumbs.

now i get you.

the issue is the thumb, rather than the album info (which is also wrong, but there ya go)

can you re-lookup the information from the album info screen to get the right album, or reget the thumb? (can't recall offhand if i did that function for music or not). it won't alter the db views i don't think, but if you can get the right thumb in the album info screen then it's a start.

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its possible to re-lookup, but sometimes there is no right info available. so i am stuck with a wrong thumb.

just a small thing but could you clarify on this, "clean music database" this actually deletes the db and starts over? if so perhaps it would be more aptly named "purge music database" or "delete music database".

i honestly thought it somehow rooted out bad data from the database without wiping it (although now i think about that it seems unrealistic ) still i cant be the only person who finds that wording a little ambiguous.
your first assumption is the correct one.

it cleans the library. dunno where you got the other impression from Smile
just from the word clean really, it doesnt imply delete or destroy very clearly.
okay, let me be perfectly clear then.

the 'clean library' button cleans the library, removing nonexistent songs while it keeps existent ones.

which is what i refered to as your 'first assumption', since it was the one you had before u read this thread, rite Smile
lol, seems the button is named right then...
#9 is fixed in my local sources. stack button can now be either a radiobutton or a normal button (so that other skins will still work).

thanks for the explanation on the thumbs. not sure what we're going to do on that front.

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Consistency issues in XBMC GUI0