Android Dead box
I bough one of that TV box from Kijiji
It did work for a month and now is dead.
The seller is a jerk and does not want to fix it or exchange
He is in Toronto Markham and have some listing like here
or eBay like here
Beside the point, i would like to find a way to see if the box is dead or not
I plugged the RJ45 cable on it and my router but no activity lights on router port
I plugged the HDMI cable on TV, but nothing on the screen
It has a USB port.
Can i connect it to my PC and check it from there.
What software to use ?
Please help
We can't help you with general Android box questions. This is the XBMC/Kodi forums, and we only help people with XBMC/Kodi.
This box it is 13.1 Gotham
Where is the forum for 13.1 Gotham ?
Please show me a link
I want to find a software and install it in my PC, then connect the box with the usb cable on my PC and test it
I am new and i need some help and guidance
That has nothing to do with your "dead box".

XBMC/Kodi has nothing to do with whether your box works or not, it is an app like any other app that runs on Android.

If the problem is as you described, then that is a Android problem and you need to find help in a Android forum, something like xda-developers.
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In the meantime we will all note that the vendor is a jerk and that he loads these boxes with addons that does NOT support.

In the meantime I suggest you ask snarky questions on all his eBay auctions and post negative feedback.
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thank you very much

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