Bug Helix Beta 3 not playing HD content
Does anyone else have the Issue with Beta 3 not playing any HD Content? Be it 1080p or 720p Series or Movies my Beta 3 doesn't want to play anything. Didn't have any issues before hand. Plays SD content just fine.

Brand new System running Win 8.1 x64; 8 GB RAM; Core i5 ; Samsung 850 Pro SSD.

I've a lot of HD content and no problems playing it (Win8.1 + Win7).
You should provide a debug log when trying to play this files.
Don't know what happened, or what I did, but after rebooting a few times it works now with all content again.

Well still Beta so I don't mind Smile Thanks for the fast reply lizard-king.

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Helix Beta 3 not playing HD content0