No fanart or posters?
Hey fellas, can anyone tell me why I don't see any fan art or movie/tv posters in xbmc? I don't have any media on the hard drive....only online streaming.

I have gotham installed on my windows 7 OS and even my shortcuts are missing thumbnails with no logo present (only the name displays below). I can still click on the area above the name and it will work.

Can someone please help me figure how to fix these issues? I did a fresh install 3 days ago and have been trying to figure it out using youtube video tutorials but still can't get it to work. When I change it to"thumbnail" all I see are folders with names on pics.

Anyone know what the problem is?

Thanks. Wink
Check this out.. basically a media player for home content. You're alluding to the streaming capabilities of add-ons a happy subset of what Kodi is; but limited by 3rd party authors some of whihc may or may not play by the rules.

If you have your own content, Kodi is happy to engage the internet and supply posters, fanart, covers and meta-data with built in scrapers to build your library in a fashion (views & skins) that allows for all these graphic goodies to shine.

I suggest checking out the new user wiki, and follow the step by step instructions on building your library. It is possible to manually add art work in place of most folders, but is not a light task.

Just a note of caution regarding Youtube tutorials, many of which are no longer supported here, or never supported, failing into rule breaking on the forum. I suggest that until you get comfortable with the software, stick to the wiki's posted on this forum and read the rules

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