Thanx and Kudos!
I know this is a forum primarily devoted to problem solving, but I felt I had to compliment the dev crew on Helix; especially the enormous improvement in sound quality. I know must of the people here are video buffs; I am too, but I have always been mostly a sound guy. I've always kept a version of J. R. Media Center handy because, up until now, it was unrivaled in the quality of sound. Kodi Helix is at least as good if not a little better. I may finally be able to standardize on just one media app; Kodi. JRMC is still the champ when it comes to organizing and working with audio, but let's see what the future holds. Kodi is making great strides.

"The technology of a sufficiently advanced civilizatio will be virtually indistinguishable from magic."
Sir Arthur C. Clarke
Thank you very much! Feels good reading this post between all the problem reports. Cheers.
It was sincere and heartfelt! It's got a few glitches but nothing I haven't been able to figure out. Certainly nothing worth complaining about. I'm retired and on a very fixed (and limited) income, but when I get some excess coinage (maybe soon?) I'm going to kick in at least enough for a six pack! Again, absolutely excellent work!

"The technology of a sufficiently advanced civilization will be virtually indistinguishable from magic."

Sir Arthur C. Clarke

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Thanx and Kudos!1