Handle ffmpeg AVCodecID with own id's?
Hello all,

currently I finish my work about RDS from radio to handle inside Kodi. The related signal is sended to the DVDPlayer stream from the PVR addon during playback of it. Currently it use a small hack to have a own codec id, see "https://github.com/AlwinEsch/kodi/blob/radio-rds-support/xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDDemuxers/DVDDemux.h" line 45.

How can be own id's handled inside kodi without problems on ffmpeg?

Seen that there is a "AV_CODEC_ID_FIRST_UNKNOWN" id, can this used as base? There are several other id's starting with AV_CODEC_ID_TTF and don't want to become conflicts.

Want to ask first here before I go to the ffmpeg forum. Maybe someone have a another idea or a good solution.

Thanks a lot and merry christmas,

see github comment

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Handle ffmpeg AVCodecID with own id's?0