Win Intel HD2500 integrated graphics
Will the Intel HD2500 integrated graphics still process 1080p, h.264 ect. I realize that it is not top of the line by any means but I only want to run Kodi. Will this get the job done.

7th Generation Intel HD Graphics the HD2500, Kodi will run easily.

I can run Kodi on my lowly Intel Core2Duo with GMA945 graphics (3rd generation)

Quote:XBMC/Kodi needs a 3D capable GPU graphics hardware controller for all rendering. The required 3D GPU chips are common today in most modern computers, and even some set-top boxes. XBMC/Kodi runs well on what (by Intel ATOM standards) are relatively underpowered OpenGL 1.3 (with GLSL support), OpenGL ES 2.0 or Direct3D (DirectX) 9.0 capable systems that are IA-32/x86, x86-64, or ARM CPU based.


Thanks for the response

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