I would like to run MP TV-Server on my home server and access it with Openelec 5.0 client. I think this should work. I'm not sure about the following:

- timehsift buffer is stored on my server and accessed by client over LAN, or stored on the Openelec client?
- are there any limitations regarding timeshifting
- what are the usual channel zap times on DVB-S/S2 over Gigabit lan?

Many thanks!
Timeshift Buffer is on the server, the client is just used for streaming the content. Typically the limitations are set by amount of time you wish to Timeshift, I am not sure on the numbers but someone has done the calculations already around GB's per minute/hour on this. Also check the MediaPortal forum as I may have read it there. I set my backend MP to have a dedicated HD just for Timeshifting, it is actually an SSD drive but depends on your requirements and a spin drive may be enough for you. All of my Kodi connected clients are RPI's using Raspbmc so my zap time may not equate. I get a few seconds lag but that is typical and within acceptable range for me.

Good luck!
Many thanks!
At the moment, I have only one client, so a regular hard drive is more then enough. Everything seems to work very nice.
I only miss the skip back and forward method used in MediaPortal, basically nothing else. This is still a very weak point of Kodi compared to MediaPortal. I know it is planned to add this to Kodi, but who knows when.
I think this is called incremental seeking?

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