Win cannot get any addons to work.
Hello guys.This is my first post. Newbie.

This is my log file below. I cannot get kodi 14.helix build to work on my HP win 8.1 64 bit core i5 4210 laptop. I followed the same procedure on a win 7 32 bit desktop homebuild and it worked like a charm.
Log file below.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you in anticipation.
ATM Some database error "Database connection failed! Please check your DB settings." so I can not see the log.

If you've thrown up a log, then you have the interface homepage up? If the interface never came alive, it usually means some sort of gfx failure (driver or gfx mem set-up etc). If you do see the home page you'll have to elucidate a bit more, tell us what fails.
it says cannot run script or script failure.
I see you've eloquently articulated the issue. Why not have a look to see if there is some resemblance here.

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cannot get any addons to work.0