Optional time seeking with the right thumbstick

I would really like it if the time seeking funktion with the right thumbstick was optional since I want to turn it off. It's a pain when your lying in bed and want to crank up the volume and you have a slight angle when you push upp the thumbstick so it's allso pushed slightly to the right and the movie jumpes in time.

Maybe you already can turn this function off and I've missed it, then please inform me how! Smile
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Oh, OK thanks.

Don't really know anything about .xml, should I replace:




Just remove it all together, or comment out the lines like this:
Quote:<!-- <rightthumbstickleft>AnalogSeekBack</rightthumbstickleft> !-->
<!-- <rightthumbstickright>AnalogSeekForward</rightthumbstickright> !-->
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That easy huh, thanks.

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Optional time seeking with the right thumbstick0