TFT screen for remote control of KODI

I connected a 320x240 2.8" TFT + touchscreen to a rpi.

I wrote some python code which draws some keys on the screen and when I press these it issues
http requests using kodi's remote control api to an instance of kodi running on another pc.
This works great. So far so good.

I wanted to combine this however on one rpi.
What I mean is that I want to run kodi on the pi AND the remote control program on the same pi's tft-display.
So what I did was this: I start kodi on the rpi, and then the python code (I've tried changing the sequence).
Kodi is displayed via the hdmi output, the python code shows the buttons on the tft display.
Whatever key I press on the tft display, has no effect. After some debugging I found that the
python code does not even register an event when I press the touch screen. Kodi however responds to
certain parts of the TFT screen.

To me this seems to be 2 programs 'fighting' over an input device and in this case clearly Kodi wins.

So how can this be solved?
Can KODI be told not to respond to the tft-touch device?
Is there a low level linux procedure to exclude a process from using a specific input device?
Could input redirection do the trick?
In X11 one can describe input and output devices. So one could leave one out. But does Kodi use
X11 or something similar (I can not find this in the process table).

Any thoughts?
From what I understand, touch input on a GPIO LCD screen is seen the same as mouse input, since that's how most of the drivers were made. I'm not a dev, so I'm not sure where to look, but maybe that bit of info will help the other devs who might not have a GPIO LCD screen.

Also, I just broke my own Pi LCD screen the other day and am waiting for a replacement, but once it comes I would love to see the work you've done. It sounds very awesome.

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TFT screen for remote control of KODI0