CD/DVD support
Hi All,

I am successfully running Kodi on an Odroid XU3 dev board under CyanogenMod 12 (5.1 Lollipop) and am working on support for tvheadend and CD/DVD roms ..

I have the kernel modules isofs.ko, cdrom.ko and sr_mod.ko loaded and now can see the audio/video files on my DVD drive, but need to know how to view the video in Kodi.

My question is: if I install libdvdcss somewhere, will the Android version of Kodi pick it up, or are there other issues ..
Ideally I would like the "Play Disk" menu come up like on Linux ..

Many Thanks,

PS: Just as an aside, I have my Sony PlayTV USB dual tuner kernel modules loaded and am working on an android version of tvheadend.
Anyone? I thought this would be a hot topic with android set-top boxes starting to appear ..
You should be able to play a DVD by selecting the .ifo file on the DVD.
Now, having Kodi Android to detect a DVD drive is another story, and probably needs libcdio support.
(2015-04-30, 12:07)Koying Wrote: You should be able to play a DVD by selecting the .ifo file on the DVD.
Now, having Kodi Android to detect a DVD drive is another story, and probably needs libcdio support.

Hi Koying,

I can play the un-DRM'd portions of a DVD with VLC for example, but cannot play DRM'd DVD's because VLC for android does not support lidvdcss on this platform.
Will Kodi play a DRM'd DVD by selecting the .ifo file? I suspect not, unless it has the libdvdcss support built in ..
I am not concerned with having Kodi detect the drive at this stage, although that would be the aim long term. As long as I can play mounted encrypted DVD's, that would be great short term.

So, any idea's if DVD's can be played with Android Kodi given a libdvdcss library somewhere on the system?
Until a dev has time or interest in checking it out, your guess is as good as ours.
given that Kodi + Android is already used in set-top boxes, I would say that there should be lot's of interest in being able to play dvd's as well.... my 2c
Until a developer has time (normally their spare, unpaid time) AND an interest in this feature, then it doesn't matter how many other people are interested. More people wanting a feature doesn't just magically make it possible to tell if it is probable or not. Your guess is still just as good as ours.
Don't forget that it'll also mean hacking the firmware, building modules, ... which would limit the reach of such a feature to a very, very limited subset of the interested people and an incredible hassle in support.
The result would still surely be less practical than ripping 1500 DVD's to a single 1Tb external disk (which is about the same price as an external dvd-player).
(2015-05-04, 11:05)Koying Wrote: Don't forget that it'll also mean hacking the firmware, building modules, ... which would limit the reach of such a feature to a very, very limited subset of the interested people and an incredible hassle in support.
The result would still surely be less practical than ripping 1500 DVD's to a single 1Tb external disk (which is about the same price as an external dvd-player).

So you would have a million users ripping 1500 DVD's instead of making a one time effort in ONE place to support this feature, yep, that makes lot's of sense Rofl

The only thing you have to "support" is the use of libdvdcss. This is already done for linux, why not simply allow it in Android.
Anyone (user) interested in playing DVD's can then add the necessary modules to their kernel if the modules are missing and then be able to play DVD's .... you know, the ones we legally bought, is that so much to ask.

..Or, don't you want kodi to be the "goto" place for making your own media box? I know I have done this for years on linux, I just want to be able to do the same on android, because android makes
more sense as a set-top box OS (easier couch remote navigation etc, more apps etc)
I suggest you start hacking it.....
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@bmentink Did you read my post? It won't happen from our side simply because not a single box would support it out-of-shelf.

Re support, just count on this forum the number of user not even capable of sideloading an apk...
(2015-05-04, 22:15)Martijn Wrote: I suggest you start hacking it.....

I have ....... but no one will answer the simple question: "will kodi support libdvdcss if it is somewhere on the system as it stands TODAY"

Come on guys, it is a simple question yes/no will do, but if no, it would be useful to know why not, given that this happens on linux.
(2015-05-05, 00:43)Koying Wrote: @bmentink Did you read my post? It won't happen from our side simply because not a single box would support it out-of-shelf.

Re support, just count on this forum the number of user not even capable of sideloading an apk...

Well it WILL happen people, look a bit into the future guys.

Already custom CM12/kodi builds for desktop boxes do include the modules I refer to in my initial post .... people who are using Android set-top boxes will want DVD/Bluray support.
There are already a number of competing media software on Android, I would rather Kodi stayed ahead on Android than fall behind the pack ..

Please don't be so sort sighted ...
Being short sighted is thinking people want to use optical discs in 2015, and on software specifically designed to replace optical discs with video files. Both DVD and bluray are dead/dying technologies. They are the opposite of progress. Every year, sales of the discs themselves are falling at a drastic pace. Most desktop and laptop computers don't bother including optical drives at all.

You might as well ask us to support laser disc.

If someone really needs optical disc support then why on earth would they use Android? Even price wise, x86 systems are competitive again with Android devices. If someone with DVDs/BRs buys a box for use with Kodi that does not support optical discs then they bought the wrong tool for the job. It's no different than someone who buys a VW Bug and expects to be able to tow a boat. It's just not practical.

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