Win Is this normal ??
I have a Tearing problem !!!! A lot of it.

And the only way I could get rid of it, is that is I turn ON Vsync + Adjust screen refresh rate to video + adjust video refresh rate to screen + resampling audio.

It seems as thought ALL these options are needed, the question is, how can I buy a system that DOESN'T need any of these options ?

Meaning getting tearing free hardware for quality playback ?

Tearing of the display is usually caused by the properties of the graphics engine you have with your hardware (and you didn't allude to what it is or supply a debug log). If you have a graphic card or on-board gfx chips , get the latest drivers for it for starters. Sometimes hardware decoders do not play well with various codecs (basically a moving target) so you might be better off with software decoders. Turn hardware acceleration off sometimes is all that's needed, most modern PC's can comfortable handle movie decoding without breaking a sweat. Turning on the tweaks you mentioned seems to bring a satisfactory result, so why worry about what doesn't work?

You might want to have a read of this wiki troubleshooting (wiki)
I will try turning off hardware decoding.

What is the best quality HDMI plug and play solution to play everything on my TV ?

I can even change the TV, I just don't want to fiddle with stuff
Sounds like you already have fiddled, and have a working solution. Everyone is going to have differing opinions on what works the best with what hardware. I'm in the PC camp, but others swear by Mac mini's, and some say OpenElec (a cut down form of Linux) has the best hardware appliance feel. You posted in the windows forum so you get my prejudice point of view, which is 'I use my HTPC for other things besides a media player' and appreciate the compatibility to other hardware I have purchased. Posting in the hardware thread will get a more broad perspective of balanced answers.

I should mention that Kodi is more of an enthusiasts media player, and like a fine wine takes time to fully blossom to get all the flavours to your taste. fiddling with stuff is what we do.
Try disabling aero in windows and in kodi enable vsync and true full screen window.
I tried enabling true full screen,

it works nice, but i can't use the PC on the second screen, it blanks the kodi screen everytime i click anywhere
You should decide use true full screen without tearing or fake fullscreen with tearing. It is an old issue with DWM in windows vista and later.

P.S. You can try test DirectX11 version of Kodi to check what issue present in dx11 or not.

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