Plans for GUI?
I wanted to see what kinds of GUI ideas you guys are thinking for displaying the lists of games for Kodi users.

This is a key component of this whole solution (IMO), and we need user-friendly options of displaying games to our liking. Personally, I think OpenEmu has it figured out:

The list of game 'systems' on the left, with Favorites, Most Played, Recently Added, etc as separate categories, are all very useful things to have when playing emulated/classic games. One of the coolest things about the OpenEmu interface is the fact that they let you toggle between 3 different types of views for games:
  1. Thumbnail view
  2. List view
  3. 'Flip' thumbnail view (hybrid)

I've used things like Advanced Launcher before, and it's not very satisfying jumping through multiple 'normal' Kodi-style menus to get to a game system, only to be presented with another boring list of game titles (where selecting a game will show you the cover). I think a thumbnail view, being the default, would make the whole process of selecting games to play much more enjoyable.

What are everyone's thoughts on this?
Most of what you hightlight and much more could be achieved by copying the existing video and music sections in Kodi into a new games section.

However I think that much of all this will very much be dependent on the work for designing a new database structure here:

Once a such new database structure exist that support games then GUI design will solve itself by copying the video and music sections in Kodi.

Other then that I suggest that you first checkout these three other threads for tips and links to previous threads discussion this:

Again, looks like many good ideas specifically related to games library could probably be extracted from this forth thread:

Kodi v15 is now in general consistent between the video and music sections and I see no reason why a game section would behave differently.

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Plans for GUI?0