Stock on "Loading" screen
I hate to post here again, but I really can't help me.
To get playback working I switched from WindowXMLDialog to WindowXML, now I have a big problem: A never ending "Working" screen on a black background.
I deleted everything except the code which is needed for WindowXML:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, xbmcgui, xbmcaddon

addon = xbmcaddon.Addon()

class ddd(xbmcgui.WindowXML):
    def __init__(self,strXMLname, strFallbackPath):    
        # Changing the three varibles passed won't change, anything
        # Doing strXMLname = "bah.xml" will not change anything.
        # don't put GUI sensitive stuff here (as the xml hasn't been read yet
        # Idea to initialize your variables here

    def onInit(self):    
        # Put your List Populating code/ and GUI startup stuff here
    def onAction(self, action):
    def onClick(self, controlID):    
    def onFocus(self, controlID):

w = ddd('main.xml', addon.getAddonInfo('path'))
del w




Please help me again Smile
I now add in the onInit Event this line:
Now the window opens in a loop and I can't exit it with self.close() -.-
dont run it as a plugin, run it as a script (---> change the extension point in addon.xml)
Donate: (foundation), 146Gr48FqHM7TPB9q33HHv6uWpgQqdz1yk (BTC personal)
Estuary: Kodis new default skin - ExtendedInfo Script - KodiDevKit
Well, this is something you can't find out on your own. Thanks you anyway.
(2015-06-25, 22:56)momly Wrote: Well, this is something you can't find out on your own. Thanks you anyway.

Plug-Ins are meant to be for browsing using the default library viewtypes only. (you can workaround that, but there aren´t too many use cases where that makes sense)
Add-ons which primarily contain a custom XML window are meant to be Script Add-ons (="Programs" in most skins)
Donate: (foundation), 146Gr48FqHM7TPB9q33HHv6uWpgQqdz1yk (BTC personal)
Estuary: Kodis new default skin - ExtendedInfo Script - KodiDevKit

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