Need help coding audio plugin.
Hello. I'm new to the forum. mostly been on bitching about plugins that don't work, and what not. lol.
Anyway so i wanna start writing plugins, but the wiki doesn't offer a whole lot. just enough to get me off the ground.
I'm one of the administrators from
we're a live DJ radio show / internet radio station of EDM.
I just started work on a plugin for kodi to play my stream through kodi.

i wanted to write a plugin that allowed users to just go into music, click on addons or whatever, and start streaming right away.

using the tutorial, what i got was a plugin that i have to navigate to system>addons>my addons>music addons>crate digger radio.

this is a long path. how do i write a plugin to play my stream from the music section. E.G. i want to be able to go Music > Music add-ons>crate digger radio.

I don't even see my plugin listed in music. it's written as an audio plugin, but i can only access it from the long path mentioned before. how do i get it to show up under music, so users can just click on crate digger radio from the music section??
oh look at that. it randomly started working. guess i did do it right. refer to previous posts about KODI not working. 8/

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Need help coding audio plugin.0