Debugging Help - fread error
Ok, I hate to post this as I fully expect someone to point out that I completely missed a forum topic that answers it. However....I'm attempting to debug the XBMC code and the code keeps generating exceptions in the TextOut call after an error trying to load the language strings.xml file. I'm using a straight SVN checkout from tonight (I wanted to make sure I could debug the source controlled stuff before possibly breaking it with my own additions).
Stepping through the code, the reason it's getting to the TextOut call is because the fread of the strings.xml file returns 0.
Has anybody seen this problem before? I know it's something with my setup, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is.

Thanks in advance.
Sounds to me like the strings.xml file is corrupt, or not fully uploaded.

I presume it also doesn't work when you're not debugging?

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It does work correctly when not debugging.

Here's what I did:
Built the entire thing (using build.bat) and downloaded it to the XBOX. Ran it - it works fine. Copied all of the same things to \E\DEVKIT\xbmc. Opened MS Studio and rebuilt with the Debug configuration. Started it running. It fails at the fread for the strings.xml file. Could it have something to do with memory (i.e. not enough available)? Or is it something I have set up incorrectly?

Thanks for the response - I'm hoping you'll be able to point me in the right direction.
It could have become corrupt when you copied it to E:\DEVKIT\xbmc.

Check the files there carefully, and make sure you use a reliable method to transfer (eg xbox neighbourhood or XBMC's own FTP server).

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Boy do I feel like an idiot - you can flame me now!

You were right on - it looks like something went wrong when copying the files over (I was using a different FTP method). As soon as I recopied with XBOX neighborhood, it came right up.

Thanks so much for your help and my apologies for wasting your time with such a stupid issue.

Dont be sorry, if u dont ask then u dont learn.
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Debugging Help - fread error0