Recommended IDE
This wiki page :
says :
"Import project into Eclipse (there is a .project and .cproject at the root of the Kodi source tree so just select the root folder, e.g. trunk)"
but I don't see any .project or .cproject files.

I don't see any other IDE mentioned in the wiki.
I see some Visual Studio project files in project/VS2010Express/.
Code::Blocks was able to import the Windows project but it did not change '\' separators. Does not work, requires manual work.

What is the recommended IDE on Linux and how to configure Kodi project for it? (No Emacs nor Vim please.)

Import the sources as a makefile project into Eclipse. No need to have a .project
(2015-11-17, 17:28)FernetMenta Wrote: Import the sources as a makefile project into Eclipse. No need to have a .project

Thanks. It actually worked.
I had better luck with this C++ project than with some Java projects with Ant files.

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